2022 Report of Mt Auburn

“…folks have diverted 244.5 pounds of food scraps from the landfills just at the Mt. Auburn drop-off bin!”

Julia Marchese, Queen City Commons

“Thank you again for your dedication to happy soils, your community, and to urban agriculture!.”

Queen City Commons

Cincinnati’s food waste is a shared problem that calls for a shared solution. Queen City Commons provides food scrap collection service to businesses and residents, and partners with local farms and gardens to turn that food scrap into compost.

Now featuring a Compost Drop-off Program at Flatiron Cafe!

Providing Cincinnati households with a residential composting option. Our compost drop-off program offers affordable, daily access to compost collection bins, so you can begin turning your household food scraps into soil today. 

Our drop-off program includes:

  • Access to a clean, secure bin 24/7, allowing you to drop off at a time that fits in your schedule.

  • Free, 5-gallon bucket with lid. Our residential compost buckets are fully cleaned, repurposed buckets from food manufacturers in Cincinnati. This process helps ensure we are reusing resources and not generating more plastic through our program.